Thursday, January 12, 2012

LeftBoy - Outro

LeftBoy's Outro Official Site
LeftBoy's SoundCloud Profile

  LeftBoy (aka Ferdinand Sarnitz) is quietly creeping into the mainstream.  Using videogame references and an art-house approach to what sounds like someone who knows what they're doing with a lot of free sound tools, LeftBoy's sound grabbed my attention with the song 'Videogames' not too long ago.
  While a lot of people won't like this right away, I suggest giving his stuff a couple listens.  I think you'll get hooked like I did on this guy.
   I'm going to post a warning for some of you who I know have kids and listen to this blog.  Make sure the little ones aren't around for this particular track.  You, on the other hand, should probably load 'Outro' into your workout playlist because it's that kind of a track.

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