Sunday, October 30, 2011

Evelyn Evelyn - Have You Seen My Sister, Evelyn?
Evelyn Evelyn Official Site 

Not since the Born Again Floozies have I been so in love with this type of sound.  Like you've discovered a strange old library full of audio recordings.  Once I learned that this was actually Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley, I was sold.  Check out their site to download their album.  If you're like me and enjoy old radio serials or stories told through audio with sound effects?  You have to listen to the track "The Tragic Events of September".  You'll love it.
 The Studio Killers (Ode to) The Bouncer
Studio Killers Official Site
Someone shared this with me and I haven't been able to get it out of my head since!  And being a fan of indie-animation didn't make matters better.  Just a ridiculously catchy song and strangely cool video! Enjoy!
Listen to more of The Studio Killers at their SoundCloud Profile!