Thursday, January 12, 2012

DanDan - Misteur Valaire

Misteur Valaire Official Site

  I often like to have a certain kind of music playing in the background when I'm working on projects.  Amon Tobin always seems to be on when I'm working on things as does a certain kind of techno-ish music.  This song, 'DanDan', from Misteur Valaire fits the bill perfectly.

LeftBoy - Outro

LeftBoy's Outro Official Site
LeftBoy's SoundCloud Profile

  LeftBoy (aka Ferdinand Sarnitz) is quietly creeping into the mainstream.  Using videogame references and an art-house approach to what sounds like someone who knows what they're doing with a lot of free sound tools, LeftBoy's sound grabbed my attention with the song 'Videogames' not too long ago.
  While a lot of people won't like this right away, I suggest giving his stuff a couple listens.  I think you'll get hooked like I did on this guy.
   I'm going to post a warning for some of you who I know have kids and listen to this blog.  Make sure the little ones aren't around for this particular track.  You, on the other hand, should probably load 'Outro' into your workout playlist because it's that kind of a track.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

School of Seven Bells - The Night

School of Seven Bells Official Site
    A long time ago, during the ridiculous eighties, the over-the-top yet truthful films of John Hughes featured some of the most amazing soundtracks I'd ever heard.  Whether it was Hughes himself or someone who worked for him, someone had their pulse on what was going to be cool three years ahead of everyone or knew what all the cool 'underground' kids were listening to.  I was always surprised when I saw the track list on the back of the cassette tape (yeah...old).  Most of the songs just fit so well with what was taking place on screen.  So well, in fact, that you when you recall a favorite scene from his films, it's almost always accompanied by a song you love.
  What does this have to do with a band consisting of identical twins Alejandra and Claudia Deheza along with former Secret Machines member Benjamin Curtis?
  School of Seven Bells' new album debuts next month.  The Night is the first track leaked from the upcoming release.  For all of us who remember those old John Hughes films?  You're going to be transported back to those films after hearing the track.
  For newer ears that aren't as damaged as mine?  YOU are simply going to enjoy this track even without getting all of my 'old guy' references.  If this single is any indication of how the rest of the album (Ghostory) will sound?  I'm going to be listening to this a LOT.